Read Some of the Works of Outstanding Registered Dietitians


Contemporary Nutrition and Diet Handbook, Fifth Edition, 2018.

This particular nutrition and diet handbook is user-friendly and easy to read. It has recently revised its resource for acute care hospitals, health care centers, nutrition education, and college nutrition classes.

The fifth edition features Nutrition and Liver Disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Cancer, and Neutropenic Diet. It also includes diets not found in traditional diet manuals, such as:

  • Expanded Renal
  • Respiratory Failure
  • Consistent Carbohydrate
  • Ostomies
  • Food Safety Section

With 400 loose-leaf, copyright-protected pages, this publication covers a wide variety of topics, including growth and BMI charts and a commercial supplement list.

Contemporary Nutrition Guide–Nutrition Education & Diet Management Resource, Second Edition, 2015.

The newly revised version of this guide is essential for nutrition education and diet instruction in registered dietitians and various settings. These include:

  • Physician Offices
  • Health Clinics
  • Hospitals
  • Home Health Agencies
  • Health Care Centers

As a manual for dietitians, this guide is the perfect companion to the Contemporary Nutrition and Diet Handbook. It covers several topics. These include the Medical Nutritional Therapy (50+ diets) and nutrition education for health and wellness, sports, weight management, and cardiac, renal, diabetic, or gastrointestinal conditions.

This guide features “copy-ready” materials (nutrient lists, food safety, preparation, shopping, DASH, etc.), websites, and references. Aside from the 450-page loose-leaf binder, it is also available on flash drive.


Contemporary Nutrition Handbook for Home and Hospice Care, First Edition, 2012.

This handbook provides assessment tools, current guidelines for nutrition, and resources for home health and hospice care. It is designed to assist in providing palliative nutrition care (Comfort rather than Cure) and guidelines specific to home health and hospice.

The Contemporary Nutrition Handbook for Home and Hospice Care is the first of its kind to include Nutrition Interventions for ALS, HIV/AIDS, Cancer, and other diseases. It also includes various educational handouts, such as MyPlate, Dietary Guidelines 2010, and Food Safety. This handbook is organized as a loose-leaf binder with 250 pages.